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Customer Case Study

How Commugen’s GRC automation reduces risks and drives efficiency

for an international bank

International Bank


“Before Commugen, we needed two employees wasting 30% of their time managing 30 different spreadsheets.”

It seems like a security team for an international bank is destined to be swamped with work.

It’s not only the strict compliance requirements and the constant need to be on the lookout for new cyber threats; you also must be able to report back to senior management and  other stakeholders at any time, telling them exactly how you assess current risks, and how to allocate resources in order to maximize security on all fronts.


You can easily find yourself buried under a pile of spreadsheets, 20 minutes before a board meeting, trying to figure out how you named the most updated file. Always wishing you had 2 more hours in the day or an extra pair of working hands. Our customer is a CISO for an international bank managing over 100 Billion USD. His security team implemented Commugen’s

GRC automation solutions and had seen how things are different once you start using GRC automation.

“Commugen’s automated visualization tool has saved me hours and hours of work”, says the CISO. “With one click of a button, I get an updated snapshot, a golden standard of the bank’s posture that I can share with my stakeholders. I used to work for hours, collecting, processing, and validating the data manually - finally, I have one source of information I can trust 100%.” “I am very pleased with the entire working process with the platform - the set up, the implementation, the conversion phase and the constant support. I know that whenever I need help or new solutions, Commugen’s team will be there to help. The professional level and the high response to our needs are the reason I recommend this platform to my colleagues”


Automation = Less Risk = More Security. As simple as that

As an experienced CISO, our customer is well familiar with the changing needs of information security. “The cybersecurity area is known for its obscurity and ambiguity. With so many unknown variables, Commugen’s flexibility is a major advantage”.

He does not look fondly at the days of manual labor in risk management. “We needed to have a few designated cyber-security professionals wasting 30% of their time

reading through 30 different spreadsheets. Now the platform is automating the entire process, so our team can use the time to secure our business on other fronts”.


The bottom line is simple - automation brings security: “Above all, Commugen’s automation solution reduces errors - it reduces risks significantly.”


Find out how Commugen’s user-friendly solutions can help you save time and money, and secure your business by putting cyber GRC on autopilot, on-prem or in the cloud. Check out our website now and book a free demo:

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